The Enchantment of Marble Quarry Tourist Attractions | Maros, South Sulawesi

Let's get to know this natural tourist destination, namely the marble quarry which is located in Pajjaiang Hamlet, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi.

According to information, this marble quarry is a former marble quarry from a private company which has now closed operations. 

Even though it is closed, this location has become a cool tourist spot... especially with the stacks of marble stones arranged in it, which makes residents interested in making it a photo object for social media needs.

There are lots of piles of marble in this area and the water is very clear. This is caused by nothing other than the pool of rainwater which continues to increase, making this place look like a lake.

Because of its charm, people are interested in using it as a photo object. And also the view around the mining area which is surrounded by green hills, makes the area even more beautiful and Instagrammable.

Marble Quarry
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Because of its natural beauty, it is not surprising that many people have come to take photos and enjoy the views in this area, but this area has not been renovated, this area is still as original as it was originally abandoned, because it is still owned by a private company

Not only as a tourist attraction, the mining hole has benefits, especially for farmers during the dry season. This mining hole also has sufficient water availability for agricultural land. 


The location is also very strategic, just a few meters from residential areas, you can enjoy this natural tourist attraction.

Meanwhile, in the southern part there is the Mount Samungkeng Leang-Leang cultural heritage site. And there is also productive agricultural land belonging to residents of Leang-Leang Village located around the mine.

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