The Charm of Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Hello everyone, surely you don't know... that Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara has a variety of interesting tourist destinations that offer natural views with various interesting spots, one of which is Mbay in Nagekeo Regency.

Telaga Nirwana Elite Destination on Rote Island Charming Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
Ket, Bukit weworowet Mbay -

But before that, let me describe a little what Nagekeo is. You need to know that Nagekeo is a district on Flores Island, East Southeast Nusantara. Which was formed as a result of the expansion of Ngada Regency.

So, talking about tourist attractions in Nagekeo Regency, Nagekeo itself has various tourist attractions that you can visit.

In short, if you come from the north of Nagekeo Regency, you will find several tourist attractions including,
  • Nangadhero Long Beach
  • Jogo City Beach
  • Kobakua Falls (wolowae)
  • Kinde Island (kaburea)
And if you head south, you will find several tourist attractions including,
  • Nangaroro Bay
  • Tonggo Beach
  • Ipi Mbu'u Ndetunura Beach Hill(Nagaroro)
  • Kekakodo Stone Wall
  • High Land Kelimari (central Keo)
  • Cape Kekakodo (Central Keo)
  • Bay of Bengal(Central Keo)
  • Mauwelu Beach (Central Keo)
  • Left Pass (Ma'u Ponggo)
  • Sawah lewa Ngera (Central Keo)
  • Wajo traditional village (Keo Tengah)
  • Udi Worowatu traditional village (central keo) 
  • Pautoda traditional village (central Keo)
  • Bhela Bajo traditional village
  • Ngabatata Waterfall (South Rendu Aesesa District)
  • Napu Waterfall (South Aesesa District of Rendu)
  • Tutubadha traditional village (South Rendu Aesesa)
  • Aegala flat land (Boanio)
  • The traditional village of Lape is waiting for them
  • Amagelu peak
  • Consciousness
  • malagaro
  • Highland
Well... there are lots of tourist destinations... Due to the minimal information available regarding the tourist attractions above, this time I will discuss a few tourist attractions in Nagekeo Regency according to the information available.

1. Bukit Weworowet

Telaga Nirwana Elite Destination on Rote Island Charming Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Weworowet Hill is a tourist area in the form of natural hills located in Nggolonio Village, Aesesa District, Nagekeo Regency.

Weworowet Hill, or what is better known as Nagekeo Hill, has a very charming natural panorama, with a view overlooking the open sea right behind the hills. Access to the location is quite easy, with a travel time of around 30 minutes from the center of Mbay city, you can enjoy this beautiful hilly area.

Sedikit informasi, Bukit Weworowet memiliki 2 keindahan yang berbeda, jika di musim panas bukit ini akan terlihat seperti kecoklatan dan jika di musim penghujan bukit ini akan terlihat sangat hijau.

2. Air Terjun Ngabatata

Telaga Nirwana Elite Destination on Rote Island Charming Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Air Terjun Ngabatata merupakan salah satu kawasan wisata yang menghadirkan panorama keindahan alam berupa air terjun cantik dengan ketinggian sekitar 83 meter.

Terletak di Desa Rendu Butowe, Kecamatan Aesesa Selatan, Kabupaten Nagekeo, menjadikannya sebagai salah satu tempat wisata yang wajib kamu kunjungi ketika berada di Kabupaten Nagekeo.

Untuk mencapai Ngabatata, Anda mesti menempuh perjalanan sejauh 20 km dari Mbay, ibu kota Kabupaten Nagekeo hingga Rendu, ibu kota Kecamatan Aesesa Selatan.

Dari Rendu, Anda perlu menempuh lagi 4 Km perjalanan menuju Desa Rendu Butowe, sebagai lokasi Air Terjun Ngabatata berada.

Jika telah tiba di Desa Rendu Butowe, kendaraan akan diparkir di Dusun Roga Roga. Kemudian Anda perlu berjalan kaki sekitar 2 Km lagi baru tiba di Air Terjun Ngabatata. Kondisi jalan yang dilewati, masih berupa jalan tanah dan tebing terjal dan selalu tetap berhati-hati ketika hendak melintas.

3. Kampung Adat Tutubadha

Telaga Nirwana Elite Destination on Rote Island Charming Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Kampung adat yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Aesesa Kabupaten Nageke merupakan perkampungan adat yang di dalamnya terdapat rumah adat, batu persembahan dan area/lahan untuk melakukan tradisi adat berupa prosesi tinju adat sebagai luapan rasa syukur atas hasil panen.

Perkampungan yang ditata sedemikian rupa, dimana areal perkampungan (yang juga dijadikan sebagai arena tinju tradisional) dibuat memanjang berbentuk persegi membujur dari arah utara ke selatan. Areal ini dibatasi dengan pemasangan tumpukan batu-batu sedemikian rupa yang berfungsi sebagai pembatas. 

Rumah-rumah adatnya pun dibangun mengitari areal perkampungan dengan arah hadap ke tengah. Rumah pokok dari perkampungan ini dibangun di sisi utara menghadap ke pintu masuk perkampungan. Di areal perkampungan terdapat beberapa buah makam, salah satunya makam leluhur yang dianggap sebagai pemersatu kampung, yang dibangun tepat di depan rumah adat pokok.

4. Pulau Rii taa

The Charm of Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
Source image:

Pulau Rii taa terletak di Desa Tonggurambang, Kecamatan Aesesa, Kabupaten Nagekeo, Flores, NTT. Dengan menawarkan panorama pulau yang hanya dipenuhi hamparan pasir putih.

Bahkan Pulau Pasir Putih Rii Taa berada di tengah laut. Ukuran pulaunya juga akan terlihat ketika air sedang pasang,dengan luas hanya sekitar 30 meter persegi. Akan tetapi jika surut, pulau ini luasnya menjadi 20 hektar lebih. 

Lokasi pulau ini terpisah jauh dari daratan Mbay, ibu kota Kabupaten Nagekeo. Dengan perahu milik para nelayan, kamu dapat menempuh perjalanan dengan waktu kurang lebih 1 jam dari Pelabuhan Maropokot.

5. Goa jepang

The Charm of Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

On a barren hill called Sangatoro with a height of around 20 meters, there are 6 bunkers. The first bunker is on the east side of the hill, right at the end of the road, right next to the tamarind tree. The other two bunkers are about 100 meters west of the first bunker.

This cave, a legacy of the Japanese colonial period, is located in Aeramo Village, Aesesa District, Nagekeo Regency, access to the location is relatively easy. not so far from the city center. You can use two- or four-wheeled vehicles to get to this location.

6. Jogo City Beach

The Charm of Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

This beach, which is located in Wolowae sub-district, offers quite an interesting destination, friends. On this beach there is white sand and white stone walls stretching wide along the coast and it is said that there are colorful snakes inside.

And during the day the snakes will come out of the rocks. According to local stories, this place has its own legend, but over time the snakes disappeared somewhere.

With a distance of around 12 km from the center of Mbay city, tourists can enjoy this tourist attraction.

7. Kinde Island

The Charm of Tourist Attractions in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Kinde Island is a small, uninhabited island located to the north of Flores Island or more precisely in Wolowae, Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

As an uninhabited island, Kinde Island is also used as the main tourist destination in Wolowae District. If you look at Kinde Island, it is only approximately 30 minutes from Flores Island, and about 10 minutes from Koba, Totomala Village, in the center of Wolowae District.

As an area that has many tourist attractions, of course Nagekeo can be a reference for those of you who are on holiday in Flores, East Southeast Nusantara. And there's always a first time for everything you've never heard of including Nagekeo.
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