First Steps to Starting a Dropship Business and How It Works

Have you ever thought about trying out online business ideas by becoming a dropshipper? Or, are you interested in trying how to make money from the internet by running a dropship business but don't understand the concept?
So... this time I will reveal some of the initial steps for those of you who want to do a Dropship business and also how it works.
Actually, the Dropshipper business is very easy, namely, you just continue sales by becoming an intermediary for consumers and suppliers in the process of buying and selling products. understand?
OK... maybe this is too short to explain, let's go to the discussion about what is a Dropshipper?
Dropship is a sales system where the dropshipper sells products from suppliers directly to buyers without having to stock the goods first. The packaging and delivery process to customers will be carried out by the supplier, but the sender's name will be your name as the dropshipper.
So, what is a dropshipper? A dropshipper is a party who acts as a seller, acting as an intermediary for consumers and suppliers in the process of buying and selling products. 
So, the dropship business is a business model that is run by selling the supplier's products at a higher price, but shipping using your name.
And now let's see how it works.
Image of First Steps to Starting a Dropship Business and How It Works
The way dropship generally works is like this

  1. You increase prices from suppliers.
  2. Customers buy products from you.
  3. You order a product from a supplier.
  4. Suppliers send products to customers.
  5. You receive benefits.
Apart from the proliferation of dropshipping, the dropship business has its own advantages and challenges that can be taken into consideration before starting it. But before that, here are some things you should know before getting involved in the world of drop shipping.

How to Become a Dropshipper and Start a Dropshipping Business

At this point, you already know what dropship is and how dropship works. Below, I will outline how to become a beginner dropshipper. of 6 steps to becoming a dropshipper.

1. Select the product you want to sell

Before diving into the world of dropshipping business, the first way to become a beginner dropshipper is that you have to know what you are going to sell. Important! Don't just choose a product just because you want to sell it.
You also have to know first who will be your target market. Find out common problems experienced by many customers and choose products that can provide solutions. In this way, your product will be sought after by consumers.
Apart from that, you also need to ensure whether the product being offered will provide enough benefits for you and the future prospects are good enough.
To search for products, you can use  Google trends and check whether the product you choose is part of the trend or not. Or, you can also do research about the best-selling online sales products that will be profitable.

2. Research and Determine a Supplier

After determining what kind of product you want to sell, the next way to become a dropshipper is to do research and determine the right supplier.
Collect data on several suppliers first, then look at the comparison in terms of credibility, trade policies and quality of products offered.
Make sure the supplier does not pose a risk to your business. You also have to convince suppliers that you can be a great business partner. In other words, the relationship between you and the supplier must be mutually beneficial.

3. Set the Product Sales Price

Then, if you already know what product you will sell and have determined the supplier where you will buy the product, now is the time for you to determine the selling price of the product.
Do your research and find out the prices set by competitors who sell the same products as you. Don't give prices that are too cheap because later your dropship business will be less profitable.
However, don't set prices that are too high because then you will lose to your competitors.
Actually, this also has something to do with the supplier you choose. If you manage to find a trusted and quality supplier, the price you set is actually not that much of a problem, as long as you can guarantee the quality of the goods and delivery from that supplier.

4. Create a Website for Your Business

Currently, with the proliferation of e-commerce businesses in various parts of the world, many consumers choose to search and do research online first before buying a product. So, if you decide to start becoming a dropshipper, creating a website is quite a crucial step.

5. Promote Your Business

After completing the four steps to becoming a dropshipper above, the last one is that you need to promote your dropshipping business.
There are several digital marketing strategies that can be used to market your business. Because, as you know, currently digital marketing is a very effective marketing method for promoting business.


Banyak orang yang menggunakan internet untuk mencari berbagai informasi. Akan sangat menguntungkan bagi Anda untuk melakukan promosi secara online.
Nah, salah satu strategi promosi online untuk bisnis dropship Anda adalah melalui search engine optimization (SEO). Dengan SEO, peringkat website Anda di halaman pencarian pun akan naik. Nantinya, setelah berhasil meraih peringkat tinggi, website Anda akan banyak dikunjungi oleh calon pelanggan. Dengan demikian, peluang naiknya angka penjualan pun akan lebih tinggi.
Untuk meningkatkan SEO, Anda harus melakukan banyak riset untuk memahami cara menaikkan ranking website di Google atau mesin pencari lainnya.

- Iklan Berbayar (PPC)

Ada cara lain untuk membuat peringkat situs Anda berada di urutan atas halaman mesin pencari, yaitu search engine marketing (SEM). Bedanya dengan SEO, PPC mengharuskan Anda membayar sejumlah biaya agar website Anda selalu terpampang di halaman pertama mesin pencari.
Biayanya tergantung pada seberapa banyak pengunjung mengeklik iklan tersebut. Semakin sering diklik, semakin besar biaya yang harus dikeluarkan.
Pada dasarnya, Anda membeli tempat iklan (ad spot) di mesin pencari, lalu melakukan penawaran kata kunci yang akan digunakan pada kampanye pemasaran. Keberhasilan penawaran bergantung pada kesesuaian kata kunci dengan iklan dan nilai tawar. Nah, Anda bisa menggunakan Google Adwords.
PPC juga bisa dilakukan melalui platform media sosial. Anda bisa memasang iklan berbayar di Facebook atau Instagram, menargetkannya di demografis tertentu, dan menggunakannya untuk mengarahkan konsumen melihat website bisnis droshipping Anda.

- Promosi melalui Email (Email Marketing)

Agar tidak kehilangan pelanggan, pertahankan komunikasi dengan mereka melalui email marketing. Namun, bagaimana cara menggunakannya agar bisa memberikan hasil yang efektif?
Pertama, Anda bisa membuat email list. Kumpulkan alamat email konsumen dengan cara memberikan produk gratis, diskon, dan penawaran menarik lainnya melalui sistem “Subscribe”.
Setelah membuat email list, buat campaign pemasaran melalui email. Kirimkan newsletter, penawaran spesial, email otomatis (trigger email), dan lain sebagainya. Strategi ini akan mempertahankan relasi yang sudah dibangun antara Anda dan pelanggan.
Agar strategi ini berhasil, buatlah email bisnis untuk tampil lebih profesional di mata pelanggan. Anda bisa memanfaatkan fitur yang disediakan aplikasi email marketing atau berlangganan layanan email hosting terbaik dari Hostinger.

- Promosi melalui Media Sosial

Jangan sampai Anda melewatkan strategi promosi yang satu ini. Sebab, sekarang ini social media marketing adalah salah satu metode jitu untuk memasarkan produk sampai laris manis!
Manfaatkan platform seperti:

untuk memasarkan produk Anda. Atau, Anda juga bisa mencoba promosi di TikTok, mengingat platform video hiburan yang satu ini sedang sangat diminati belakangan ini.

6. Jual Produk Melalui Marketplace

Selain dengan membuat toko online sendiri, Anda juga bisa memulai cara menjadi dropshipper dengan memanfaatkan marketplace. Beberapa marketplace e-commerce, misalnya Shopee, menyediakan fitur yang memungkinkan Anda langsung menjadi dropshipper.
Namun, kalau memilih untuk memulai bisnis dropship melalui marketplace e-commerce, Anda juga harus mencari pemasok di marketplace tersebut. Caranya juga sangat mudah.
Setelah memasang iklan atau mempromosikan produk lalu ada pembeli yang memesan, Anda bisa mulai mencari barang di marketplace, checkout barang tersebut, mengisikan alamat pembeli sebagai penerima, lalu menggunakan fitur “Kirim sebagai dropshipper” agar alamat dan nama pengirim diganti menjadi nama Anda. Mudah sekali kan?

Kekurangan Bisnis Dropship

Walaupun terdengar sangat menjanjikan, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diantisipasi sebelum Anda memulai cara menjadi dropshipper.
Berikut kekurangan bisnis dropship

1. Persaingan Ketat

Banyaknya orang yang menjalankan bisnis dropship menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa bisnis Anda harus tampil beda dari yang lain. Jadi, pastikan Anda memaksimalkan upaya yang dikerahkan kalau sudah memutuskan untuk memulai cara menjadi dropshipper.

2. Keuntungan Kecil

Karena Anda akan bersaing dengan banyak vendor, perang harga mungkin saja terjadi. Mau tidak mau Anda harus menetapkan margin serendah mungkin untuk menarik calon pelanggan. Untuk menghindari hal ini, Anda bisa mencoba memilih segmen pasar yang persaingannya tidak begitu ketat.

3. Supplier Bermasalah

Bisnis Anda bisa saja mengalami kegagalan apabila supplier yang dipilih tidak berkualitas. Karena kesalahan supplier, misalnya proses pengiriman bermasalah, pengemasan buruk, dan respons yang lama, reputasi Anda pun jadi taruhannya. Bagaimanapun, kesalahan ini ada di luar kendali Anda.

4. Sulit Mengelola Persediaan

Anda harus sering memastikan ketersediaan barang kepada supplier agar sesuai dengan jumlah barang yang ada di toko Anda.

5. Tidak Ada Bantuan

Pelanggan Anda adalah satu-satunya orang yang berkomunikasi langsung dengan pelanggan. Kalau terjadi suatu masalah, Anda harus sabar mendengarkan keluhan mereka.

Keuntungan Dropship

Berikut keuntungan menjadi dropshipper:
1. Cukup Mudah untuk Pemula
Keuntungan dropship yang pertama adalah Anda hanya perlu gadget dan koneksi internet yang stabil untuk memulai bisnis dropship. Anda tidak harus mengikuti prosedur bisnis yang rumit atau mengikuti ketentuan khusus dari pihak lain.
2. Risiko Bisnis Rendah
Furthermore, the advantage of being a dropshipper is that the risks that may arise are quite low. The only thing to consider is that you have to choose a supplier that is trustworthy, especially in terms of communication. Because, you have to ensure the availability, conditions, time and method of sending the product to consumers.
3. Small Business Capital
You don't need to think about inventory costs or hiring people to manage this business. Business capital will be much smaller than expected. The only cost you need to think about is how high you need to set the profit margin from the price determined by the supplier.
4. Many product choices
Then, another advantage of dropshipping is that you can sell various products from many suppliers. Because there is no need to stock goods, you can directly sell many types of products to consumers.
5. Flexible

Because business can be done via a laptop or cellphone, you can work anywhere. However, make sure you are always ready to communicate with suppliers and customers to ensure matters related to products and delivery.


So, now that you know what dropship is and how it works, you will definitely have a clearer picture if you want to start becoming a dropshipper. Indeed, like business in general, the dropshipping business also has advantages and disadvantages that you need to know.
However, if you can be consistent and persistent in carrying it out, the dropship business that you run will definitely be successful. We wish you success in running a dropship business!


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